

Key facts

Programme content

  • Computer Science Fundamentals: general computer science, mathematics, programming
  • IT security: IT security, IT security in law and society, secure systems, network and system security, cryptology, IT security management project, emergency preparedness and emergency management, IoT security, social engineering
  • Data and systems: statistics, databases, cloud IT, web applications / software architecture, mobile devices, networks
  • Business and law: introduction to business administration, digital economy, IT law and data protection, norms, standards and certification
  • General competences: foreign languages, academic work


  • Forensics: Forensics in Operating Systems, Analysis Methods for Forensic Data, Forensics Psychology, Digital Investigation, Testing & Hacking, Current Topics in Forensics 
  • Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR): Critical Infrastructure Protection, Security Operation (SOC), Handling Specific Risks, Testing & Hacking, Change Management (IT & HR), Current Topics in CIKR
  • Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT): Fundamentals of Blockchain-Technology/DLT, Project Management, Blockchain Business Development, Blockchain Security, Change Management (IT & HR), Current Topics in Blockchain-Technology

Core competences post-graduation

A Bachelor’s degree in “Cyber Security and Business” qualifies you to

  • protect companies and organisations from cyber attacks.
  • implement current security standards.
  • protect information and communication systems preventively.
  • identify and analyse (potential) threats.
  • monitor IT systems.
  • consider the economic and legal aspects of IT security.