
Examples of possible fields of employment:

Cybersecurity Analyst

Monitors the security of IT systems, analyses security gaps, identifies threats and develops defence strategies.

Penetration Tester (Ethical Hacker)

Carries out targeted attacks on systems to uncover security gaps and identify vulnerabilities in order to subsequently rectify them.

Security Consultant

Advises organisations on their security infrastructure, develops security policies, conducts audits and helps with the implementation of security solutions.

Incident Responder

Responds to security incidents, analyses attacks in real time, isolates affected systems and develops post-incident recovery plans.

Security Software Developer

Develops software and applications to protect systems from attacks, detect vulnerabilities and implement security protocols.

Security Compliance Analyst

Checks whether organisations and companies comply with industry-specific security standards and regulations and develops measures to ensure compliance.

Good to know: the Career Service at HTW Berlin can help you to get started in your career — for example with job application tips or helpful contacts for entering the labour market.